Saturday, April 29, 2017

My crutches

Written By: Ali Taha Alnobani

© 2010-2015 Ali Taha Alnobani rights reserved

There, I walked with  Nabatians in Petra

My crutches:

You shared me all my life

But I didn't

I was a bird

My wings shared the love rhyme

To take a look before the adventure

To have love forever


My desire is wider than the open sea and the sky

 Feathers which grew on my two crutches

Drank the wind like a roaring waterfall

I can understand the madness

I can live in a wild flower

Then fly with the pollen

To taste the remote ports

And breathe like sails


The story started in a remote forest

When a strange man was chopping the wood

 Then a crazy magician puffed on them to be crutches

Till that moment, I had no wings

But the feathers grew from my soul in a very cold night

The fire shaped me to be a love bird

 Singing once and traveling an other


" you are mad" said the trees

My face, my neck, were nervous

And afraid of squeeze

The long days became short

And my desire is as wide as the seas

I couldn't escape

But I knew life more and more


Inside me

There is a cave of horror echo

A voice asked me to try

To go out

To have a moment with the vast sky

Angels and monsters are living together

An angel upstairs

A monster downstairs

None sees the other

But the bird

Can draw his mad city

Despite the long roads

And the dark cave


My crutches

I'm the heart of the earth

And you are my sail

To draw the life taste


And you

Believe me; start now

There are many things to do
For the sake of love and life

My Other Half 

Read also

Fork, Knife and Pen  

A Zionist Friend!

The Tale of the Enchanted Handkerchief

Fatoom, the Daughter of the Beggars

The Shroud Thief

The Three Lovers

The island of prince “Khalis"

The kack Story

The Deposit

Advice is Worth a Camel


"Put in the pannier"


A competition

The Woman and the Mud Toy


The Chicken Eagle

The Child Woman

Ali's Camel


Living Crutches

The shiny piaster

Honor Crime

Children of Yemen

Jerusalem is the capital of Palestine

I took a photo for Jupiter during Lunar eclipse 2018

Good and evil terrorism!

Hunger Games in the Middle East

Believers kill non-believers even if they are their parents!

Drive out evil from our world!

Anti-terrorism, loud thinking

Mentality of the terrorist

Terrorism everywhere

A world without conscience

America and ISIS

Mission Impossible

Disappointed call

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